This paper introduces the concept of Pseudo-Series 'and Combined-Parallel', analyzing the methods of solving input resistance of 'Pseudo-Series' and 'Combined-Parallel' circuit, and putting forward the formula of calculation. 本文提出了“伪串联”和“复并联”的概念,分析了相应电路求输入电阻的方法,并给出了简易实用的求解公式。
The anode passivation in gold electrolysis is a common phenomenon. The design of wave shape and features of different current circuits such as parallel, series and parallel series circuits in rectification circuit for power supply for gold electrolysis are introduced in this paper. 在金电解中阳极钝化是一种常见现象,本文详细介绍了金电解电源装置整流回路的串联电路、并联电路及串并混合电路等不同的电路设计形式、波形及特点;
When parallel plate capacitors filled with media is considered as the series and parallel connections of two or more capacitors, the capacitance is calculated according to the characteristics of series circuit and parallel circuit and therefore, the calculation is simplified. 若换一个角度思考该问题时,把充有介质的平行板电容器视为两个电容器的串并联,并按照串并联电路的特点进行计算,可以简化计算。
The paper provides a scheme that microprocessor delivers parallel data in isolation and series method. It designs circuit that microprocessor control D/ A in the method. 文中提出了一种微机隔离式串行数据传送方案,设计了微机控制A/D的串行数据传送电路。
The numerical results reveal that the LR parallel circuit and LR series circuit enable to effectively reduce vibration amplitude with the identical effectiveness in vibration suppression. 分析结果表明,LR并联和LR串联分支电路可以有效地减小振动幅值,并具有相同的减振效果。
We put the parallel fundamental series resonant circuit in the coupling transformer secondary side, it can make the current not inject into the active filter and coupling transformer. 在耦合变压器的二次侧并联基波串联谐振电路,使得电流不会注入有源滤波器与耦合变压器。
Afterwards, analyzing the influence of skin effect of parallel P type, serial S type and chain type three orbital equivalent structures, so as to form an S series for the foundation, through the PSCAD/ EMTDC simulation platform got remote short circuit current. 接着分析了集肤效应影响下的并联P型、串联S型和链型三种轨道等效结构,以串联S型为基础,通过PSCAD/EMTDC仿真平台得到远端短路电流。
Different radiation slots have different equivalent circuit, radiation longitudinal slots corresponds to parallel admittance and oblique slot corresponds to series resistance. These equivalent circuit are the basic of the following to design slot array antenna. 辐射缝的各种不同形式对应不同的等效电路,宽边辐射纵缝对应并联导纳,宽边斜缝对应串联阻抗,这些等效电路是下面设计平板缝隙天线的基础。
The vacuum switch with a short closing time, connected in parallel with the reactive compensation capacitor controls either the series compensation or the short circuit current limitation. 与无功补偿电容相并联的快速闭合真空开关,可以实现对线路正常工作时的串联补偿和发生短路故障时限流的切换功能。